Thursday, January 20, 2011

One Step at a Time....

"Words are like a thermostat; while a thermometer reveals the temperature of a room, a thermostat sets the atmosphere to a comfortable temperature. Negative words pollute the atmosphere of our lives and the lives of others, while words that thank God bring miracles." - Rex Crain

What an amazing quote...Positive thinking.  Imagine what your life would be like if you eliminated negative words.  I realize it wouldn't be perfect.  Life is not perfect, but take a day and just wipe them out of your vocabulary.  Too hard, I can't, I don't know, never.....You will be amazed at what you accomplish.

Monday - Rest Day
Part of the reason for me completely resting was that I knew going in that it would be a long day at work.  I also had an appointment with the Chiropractor after work.  He pretty much tore up my shins and muscles below my knee.  In a good way, he basically uses these metal tools and rubs the muscles to break up scar tissue.  Doesn't feel good, but the outcome works.  With the whole marathon training, he actually gave me a website to look at, dealing with food intake and calories burned, along with giving me homework.  Seriously?  LOL....I need to find all sources of "good" fats to incorporate into my diet. 
Tuesday - 3 Mile Run (23:38)
Woke up to find a great text from a friend that started my day off right.  Legs felt rested and was thankful that they survived my first long run Saturday.  Since I was feeling a bit frisky, I decided to step it up this week.  Maybe I was still on a high from a great first week of training.  Normally I have been trying to do 8:30 mile pace for my short runs, but instead shot it up to just under 8:00 mile and see how it would go in the hopes to break 24 minutes.  First 2 miles were a breeze, until a side stitch came (which is starting to be a trend and one I don't care  But I was not going to let it get me down and pushed through it, helping me finish with my fastest short training run to date.
I definately needed that, because I knew the rest of the day would be long.  End of month and End of year....Meaning the salespeople would ALL need and want things....and need and want them immediately.
Wednesday - 3 Mile Run (25:20), Circuit Training Class
Weigh-In day...Been 10 weeks and still waiting for Allison Sweeney to help me weigh in, but oh well....Scale shows 197lbs for a total of 35lbs since November 10th.  I was happy with that and my progress as a whole.  Training and losing weight at the same time is new to me.  But in life, they say if you're not learning, you're not living.  I'm at a point where I have about 20lbs left to lose, but also not going to nitpick.  The weight will come off.  I am starting to see toning though that I have not seen in awhile, so that's pretty cool....Still a ways off to my six-pack goal by Marathon.
Morning started off at the gym.  Somewhat felt the side effects of 2 long work days, but was going forward.  Only problem was after about 1/2 mile into the run, my mind shut down, finished, wanted off.  Reasons to stop were flowing in my head.  Those 3 miles seemed like a marathon since I was trying to stop the negativity.  Nevertheless, I was able to finish, without stopping.
After work, I headed to the Ultimate U for Sam's Circuit training class.  Started strong, but my focus shifted midway through....each station I battled with myself to make it through.  So the workout ended the way the morning one did.  Finishing, yet disappointed.
The one positive out of the day was, despite mentally checking out, I still was able to finish.  I guess it's those little things that help, both in my training and in life....
Thursday - 3 Mile Run (22:44)
Today was definately a lesson in what NOT to do.  I went to the gym and felt great.  Part of it was my mind maybe playing tricks on me.  I was determined to have a better day than the one before.  Granted I didn't have a "bad" day, I was just disappointed in myself for "checking out" during both workouts, despite finishing.  Even though it's Thursday, I'm still thinking of the weekend, not exactly sure why.  I had a little bounce in my step, so I decided I would leave it all on the treadmill.  I set it at a 7:35 mile pace, something I never thought I would come close to doing.  I focused on everything positive and refused to stop.  There was no pain, felt absolutely awesome.  Once I finished, I went for a long stretch, still a bit in awe of what I just did.
I can think back to September setting it to 10:00 mile pace and wishing I could go more and sort of being jealous of the person next to me as I was huffing and puffing at that pace.
The lesson however....hit me about 9 or 10am.  My body was telling me it didn't appreciate how fast I went and my back locked up.  It wasn't because of a lack of stretching.  As long as I didn't move, I was good...It wasn't until the afternoon where the pain subsided and the spasms stopped, but I definately overdid myself, but still excited.
Tomorrow will be a well deserved rest day.  Mentally and physically.  Looking forward to what I hope will be an absolutely great weekend.....Yes, I gotta a feelin by Black Eyed Peas is in my head.
Until next time....

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