Thursday, January 27, 2011

The hardest is yet to come....

You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you. - Brian Tracy 
This seems to be a good quote for me this week.  Not that it's been bad, because it hasn't.  But I've been tested mentally, at least a little.
The following is partial article from I read today (Actually it's more of a recap - cliffnote version)
The article talked about the six key phases of the marathon lifecycle.
Phase One:  Commit
Actually signing on the dotted line and paying the entry fee
Phase Two:  Connect
Find a support group of friends/running store for correct shoes
Phase Three:  Conspire
YOUR marathon training schedule.  You need to find one to fit YOUR schedule and have confidence.
Phase Four:  Consistency
Follow your plan, stay consistant with your schedule.
Phase Five:  Doubt
The little voice in our head....Dealing with him is critical in the preparation.
Phase Six:  Conserve
It's a marathon, not a sprint...
Ok, the article itself is pretty good (I think)....After reading it today, it definately got me thinking.  During my training, I obviously will be getting some pretty high mileage in.  One of my goals is to break 2 hours in a half marathon and there will be 3-4 that I will do during training.  The little voice in my head has been trying to be an overachiever and wants to go faster, wants to break 1:50:00 (This is also due to the fact that Jodi's goal is also that and I would like to help her get that goal)  Well, Phase Six of the article may trump my voice.  I don't want to overdo it less than halfway through training, since my ultimate goal is the marathon itself....Prepare and adjust....
Monday - Rest Day
Week did not start off with a bang, although being a rest day, I suppose it's ok.  Did not sleep well, nor did I get to sleep before midnight (which I'm trying to do).  I believe I may just be coming down off of my high from the great weekend.  Tomorrow is another day...Right?
The day ended with me agreeing to swim in an alumni swim meet at Ashland.  Not sure how that happened, but I'll blame it on a lack of sleep.  I tried the "marathon training" excuse, but Gershe didn't buy it.
Tuesday - 3 Miles ( 25:12 )
Definately a slow day getting out of bed.  I supposed I could just wait until after work to run, but from the first two weeks, I've felt really good during the day, more energy and awake.  Had conversations about a certain time/pace over the weekend and decided to kick it up a notch and see how it goes.  Set the treadmill at 8:24 pace and didn't look back.  My legs still felt great after Saturdays 7 miler, so I was pretty excited to keep this pace and have no issues.
Wednesday - 4 Miles  ( 33:18 )
Woke up late again, but luckily was ready to go out the door.  I fell asleep at some point last night and woke up around 3AM with a stiff neck, lights and TV on and people talking spanish...LOL.  Not a good feeling to have. (since I was partially laying down/partially sitting up)  But I shook the kinks out and headed off to the gym.
Wanted to continue to test myself.  Set the treadmill at 8:20 pace, hoping to finish without stopping.  Today was the first time over 3 miles on the schedule during the week.  At no point did I ever feel the need to stop.  The only 'bump' was looking down and noticing only 1 lap left and I guess my head took that as being "done"....LOL  Nevertheless, I pushed through it and it ended up being a great run.
I decided to 'skip' the circuit training class after work in hopes to get some cleaning done, laundry, organizing, etc.  Instead, I ate dinner, sat in the big comfy chair and fell asleep around 7pm.  Ughhhhh
Thursday - 3 Miles  (24:58)
In accordance to my rough sleeping week, I woke up later that I planned...again  Might have had something to do mith my "nap" last night.  This time, realizing that I did not have my bag packed, along with not wanting to rush around, I decided to rest (or be lazy) in bed for a bit longer and just hit the gym after work.  The day could not have gone by any slower, then again, this whole week couldn't.
The community center was packed, but luckily it was due to two basketball games and various classes.  Upstairs was sort of empty.  I threw on my headphones and hopped on the treadmill for my 3 mile run.  My mind was actually blank, not sure if it was focus or just an empty room up there.  Didn't have a single problem and felt I could have kept that speed for a bit.  We shall see.....My goal for the marathon is no where near that pace, so I don't want to ruin my long term goal (just to finish the marathon) by getting greedy during training.  After stretching, decided to do some core work and some weights.
I have a feeling I may just rest tomorrow rather than swim.  Then again, I'll just go with the flow, never know how I'll feel.  So I guess I will just pack my bag for the gym...Just in case
Like a boy scout, always be prepared  :-)
Until next time...


  1. Oh come on, having a conversation with a friend does not constitute lack of sleep complaining! xxoo Or a bad start to your week. Sounds like you still pushed through it, and I think you should swim in that meet. I can't wait to see you! Keep up the great work!!

  2. Oh boy, you just made my goal public. LOL. Not that I didn't write it on my own blog at some point but still. LOL. You have done a great job this week and I know you will be great for your long run tomorrow! You are's a marathon not a sprint so we need to take our time to get to the end goal....finishing the marathon.
