Thursday, January 13, 2011

Almost seems like a Friday

"You can’t live a perfect day until you do something for someone who will never be able to repay you."
John Wooden

I was absolutely blown away by all of the kind words over this blog.  I partially figured it would be seen by only a few people, and I could quietly hide.  Of course, what would the point of that be.  Need to learn somehow.  It's weird, because I'm totally not the type of person who accepts compliments and in fact, am a bit uncomfortable by it.
So the morning started great because of kind words from friends.  How cool is that?  Waking up to a text is great especially when you have to wake up alone.
Had an appointment w/the Chiropractor bright and early.  Nice to get an adjustment and some electric stim...spent a lot of time discussing my training and most importantly, my stretching.  I brought in the sheet of paper that he wrote up of various stretches, along with a printout of my training spreadsheet.  For some reason he knew I was actually doing more stretching.  Asking him how, he said that "you brought in the paper for questions."
I've actually decided to get sleeves for my calves to lessen the chance for shin splints.  I should be fine for my long run Saturday, but just want to be safe.

I was actually excited to go to the gym after work....Parking lot was packed, so my first thought was "oh, no treadmills available"....The negativity quickly left though, as it has no room in this head.  For some reason I had a lot of adrenaline and I don't now why....All afternoon I decided that I would do my run in under 24:00  Started out steady and went from there.  Made it just over 2 miles before I got a side stitch that hurt like H. E. double hockey sticks....but I was not letting it knock me down.  I realize I need to be smart, but also need to learn which is pain I could go through and which I should stop and be safe....Finished my 3 miles in 23:42
And best of all, I kept my breathing steady so I didn't draw attention to myself...LOL

What a way to finish a great day.....As I've said before, I know in this journey there will be good days and bad.  I need to accept the good ones and learn from the bad ones.....Fortunately today was a great one.

Tomorrow is another "rest day" on the schedule, so it will either be relax or a relaxing swim  :-)

until next time.....

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic job today! Look at you busting out the sub 8 minute mile pace! I have never used the calve sleeves but I know they have worked well for others.
