Thursday, August 4, 2011

To rock the boot or not rock the boot...THAT is the question!

I am not in this world to live up to other people's expectations, nor do I feel that the world must live up to mine. - Fritz Perl

For some reason I thought I blogged recently, I guess its been longer than I thought.  The last few weeks have had lots of ups and downs (So in other words....LIFE

Physical therapy - They don't mess around.  My foot and leg were put right to the test.  Bike, leg press, Hip raises, balancing, rubber band exercises, stretching....I've had 4 or 5 appointments and they have been progressing well.  Obviously the most enjoyable parts are at the end...Both because its over and because its time for ultrasound.  After about 3rd session I mentioned the pain in the bottom of my foot was still there.  Some quick investigating, she discovered "the spot" under my foot.  In between the captain of the toes (Seinfeld's words, not mine) and the second toe, was some nice inflammation.  Hinted that I may have damaged the ligaments.  Well she proceeded to dive her fingers pressing down my whole foot starting at the top.  When asked if I can hearing that "crunching" sound, my response was a painful, "yes its giving me foam roller flashbacks"  She chuckled and kept going.  Question....why must they think everything is funny when it comes to pain.  Nevermind, probably karma for my sick sense of humor with people.
Actually got a compliment this week as she noticed me walking with less hesitation.  Of course that was followed up with...Guess we need to add more reps to each exercise....Oh goody, I can't wait.

Official word from the Doc was Tuesday, the boot comes OFF Friday (as in tomorrow)  :-)
I have been slowly getting out of the boot the past 2 weeks, not wearing it when I am home, but I didn't want to rush anything.  I have been waiting for my follow up with the doctor.  He also agreed with the physical therapist regarding my foot.  I more than likely sprained some ligaments in between the bones, causing the main source of swelling, pain and scar tissue.  But as he said "no matter what the diagnosis, you jacked it up pretty good"  I laughed and said, "guess that's what I get for running the marathon on short training".  He asked if I would do another one....and my response was "of course, but I'll be smarter this time".  If the pain continues while off the boot over the next week or two, he wanted to explore a deep tissue massage.  I mean who doesn't love a massage?  Of course as he explained, this would not be a relaxing/enjoyable one and also not be performed by a female...  (Please no pain, please no pain...heehee)
As far as running again, well its in the far back part of my head.  Not because I don't want to, but I'd like to get through the walking part without pain.  The doctor did say that if things progress well over the next 3-4 weeks, maybe then we would discuss an action plan to start running.  I laughed to myself because he seemed more eager for me to run than I did.  I told him my goal was not to do any races or anything crazy, but I'd like to/need to be able to do 3-4 miles by early October.

Spent some time in Cleveland last weekend and went to a "Christmas in July" party,  which was rather interesting.  Being around new people with a boot on...I may or may not have heard "why you wearing that boot" once or twice.  I thought about making something up, but once you change your story, it gets complicated. 
Got to spend some time w the Cleveland 10 miler girls (well half of them at least)  I discovered my new favorite place....Menchie's Ice Cream.  Ya, all I can say is WOW.  I have to go back, since well, there were too many choices.
Also got to play hangman w/an 8 year old.  Been awhile since I've played that game....Not sure how many words or phrases we went through, but for the last word I got a long one.  I asked what type of word is it and her response...It's an awkward word that hasn't been invented yet.  Needless to say I lost.  Oh, and the word....squaregulopigus

In my "down time" from being active and working out, I decided to do something outside the box for me.  I started a program from Rex Crain called the 90 day life lift.  Rex is an amazing public speaker, life coach and just an all around inspirational, positive person.  On his site, he put that his mission "is to unearth the true treasure in each and every human heart; to release and unleash the dreamer in us all!" 
I've pretty much learned over the past few years alot about myself but I tend to get complacent and stuck at times.  I'm not the type of person to brag or boast or even tell people what I'm doing. (like I said, starting the blog was a new  But in the last few weeks, my eyes have been opened and not always for the good.  It makes me wish I could go back in time.  Its weird, while I didn't think it would be easy, I didn't think it would be this hard.  The emails/challenges, some days I have to take a hard look at who I am or what I've done or who I have become and I don't like it.  But only I can do something about it.  Only I can change, if that's what I want.  I'm tired of being stuck....They say if you stop learning, you stop living.  Well, I'm not done living  :-)

Should be an exciting weekend....well, not so much exciting, but rather hopeful....Here's to pain free walking.  It also will be fun to finally not hear "here comes peg leg" when I am walking down the hall at work.....LOL

Until next time....


  1. Congrats on the removal of Das Boot!!! Keep up all the good work buddy! Soon we will both be up and running and I'm thinking we'll have to meet halfway sometime for a celebratory run!

  2. YAY for the boot coming off! And yeah seriously, what's with the laughing about all things pain? Not nice!
