Friday, August 12, 2011

Baby Steps......One foot in front of the other.

How do you feel today? Actually, it doesn't matter! Never let your feelings take charge over your day. Create you own feelings. Tell your feelings how to feel. Life is a movie. The cameras are rolling. Make sure you are acting like a happy, kind, successful person! - Rex Crain

Today I feel....wait, according to Rex it doesn't matter.  :-)
But actually its been a long week.  Seems like it was a week of baby steps.  Then again, since it was my first week without the boot, it literally WAS a week of baby steps. 

For some reason I chose the first day out of the boot to be the one that started off with therapy in the morning.  Bright and early I show up without the boot and my therapist is surprised.  So my reward..."Let's add lunges"  Seriously?  I hate those when I'm 100%, now she wants me to do them when I'm hobbling.  So first set goes somewhat smoothly but of course it's with my good leg.  Now's the test and the first one, I lean forward and sure enough lose my balance and fall over.  I look up and shes giggling and tells me to try again.  Of course this time she gets down to one knee and holds both her arms out asking "if I want a spot".  I thought it was funny and almost fell on purpose to be a smartass.  But I was being cautious not wanting to hurt myself.
I seemed to make it through the day pretty well.  Nothing major.  That is until the next day.  I spent the weekend out of the boot, which is great, but it was spent searching for the person who beat my leg with a bat.  My calf was screaming and my ankle was tight.  Obviously the constant use during the day including stairs took a toll.  On Monday my therapist asked how my weekend was and when I made my bat comment, she of course said..."I may have had something to do with that after Friday".....Uh, YA THINK!!!!!
Of course this didn't stop her from adding yet another exercise to her little torture, errrrrrr, I mean list.
By Wednesday, I was feeling better and that meant "more reps" at therapy.  Granted I can't complain too much since I realize the whole point is to get me stronger and back to "normal".  But why can't they say, "hey, good job, you get a cookie or an ice cream cone or something like that."  LOL

As the week went on it slowly progressed and I started to notice a difference.  Mainly in the fact that I'm not as "focused" or hesitant with walking, including the stairs.  That's where the bad part comes in.  Yesterday I found myself going up the stairs, rather swiftly including two at a time, not paying attention.  I got to the top of the steps and realized what I did and kind of froze.  I moved my leg to make sure it was still there and slowly walked to my desk.  Granted I paid for it later, as last night it was pretty sore.  Memo to self....still need to be aware of things.  Just because I am without the boot doesn't mean I can do everything.  It's just hard to "focus" on something as simple as walking.

For those wondering about running, (since I've been asked about 10 times if I've started running yet) still not thinking about it, at least until I see the doctor.  I have nothing to run for until October, so just going to keep it simple...Bike and pool and weights and continue my therapy exercises.  While I have done no cardio this week, I've gotten a second wind and next week will get into the routine of the gym.  I find it funny, when I have the boot on, people see there is something wrong....Now that I have it off, people think I'm fine (boy do they not know me...heehee)  I am doing my best not to "limp" because I don't want the questions.

Looking forward to a relaxing weekend as well as a positive week ahead.

Until Next Time.....


  1. Sounds like progress to me. Glad to hear it.

  2. Glad you're making progress buddy! Just keep at it best you can and make sure you are communicating any pain you're having so the PT isn't pushing too much.
