Thursday, April 7, 2011

Compromise from the doctor....Sort of

If you really want to be successful in life you must understand that your belief is everything! If you can become fully persuaded in your mind concerning what you want and believe, your wish will be granted. Here's the trick: You cannot share your dreams with everyone. Remember, silence is golden. Don't talk about it. Be about it! - Rex Crain

Well, there is always good news bad news type of information.  One can choose how they look at things and go from there.

My training started off great, perfect almost.  But reality is, life is not perfect, it's how you deal with the adversity thrown your way.  I am obviously ecstatic with the outcome of my half marathon a month ago and wouldn't change a thing.  But the past month has been one struggle after another.  Of course while I have been able to run a little and that's better than nothing, it's not how I envisioned my marathon training would be.  While my 2 training partners are doing 10-20 mile runs each weekend, I'm struggling with 4-5 miles.  There are days of pain, days of soreness, days of both....The past 2 weeks have been a trial run of sorts.  When I got injured, my mind started to shut down.  Mentally I was close to dropping out of the marathon, thinking negative, etc, etc.  But I have decided to go for it.  Take all of the little pieces and look at the positive and if I made it this far, I would revise my training and just do it.  Part determination, part stubborn, part pride.  So the past 2 weeks I have been able to make it through....

Sunday I managed to get in 5 miles, which felt good.  Thought about going for 6, but my mind and body decided otherwise.  Tuesday I whipped through 4 miles and had flashbacks of week one of training, where it seemed so smooth and easy.  Today was another of the same, some tenderness in the IT band, but overall a great 4 mile run.

Saw the chiropractor yesterday and I showed him my revised plan, asked his advice and wondered what I should do.  Basically with over 5 weeks left towards the big day, I mapped out a schedule to where I would run 3 days a week and 2 days of cross training.  Tuesday and Thursday would be 4 miles each day with my weekend long run climbing up to 13 the week before (7,8,10,12,13 to be specific)....Obviously not even close to what they "say to do".
His advice...He would like me to get in at least a 20 mile training run in and if not, ditch the marathon and just do the half marathon.  I told him I'd meet him halfway and said I was doing the full and determined to finish. (yes, for those rolling your eyes, I realize that was no compromise...heehee)  :-)  :-)  :-)
He understood that my longest run since the half has only been 5 miles, so there is no way to jump up that high in distance in the next 4 weeks.  But realized it can still be done...
He did share a story of his first marathon.  He was 19 and thought he was in great shape and I'm sure he was, but as he said, not in "marathon" shape.  The most he ran was 7 miles....So by the time he hit mile 20, he said the pain hurt so bad that he cried the rest of the way.

So all I can do is hope....pray....stay positive....and believe that it will happen.  What it is, well, that will be determined.  Just going to stay focused and all I can do is what my body allows.  Who knows, I may not even make it through to do the race.  But I'm choosing to look at the other side of the glass....the one that says I will be there at the start...and at the finish.

until next time....

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